The GPStar 1984 Power Cell and the GPStar Power Cell are both designed for Proton Packs powered by the GPStar Proton Pack board. They both offer 15 LEDs capable of changing colours.

The key difference between the two lies in their design and intended accuracy:
GPStar 1984 Power Cell: This model replicates the original light spacing and dimensions from the 1984 and 1989 films. It features 15 LEDs, with 13 visible and the top and bottom lights subtly illuminating the corners, creating a natural pause in the animation with the addition of a natural light bleed on the edges.
GPStar Power Cell: While also equipped with 15 colour-changing LEDs, this model does not specifically replicate the original film spacing and dimensions and all 15 LED's are shown within the Power Cell window.
If achieving a more screen-accurate light spacing and dimensions from the original films is a priority, the GPStar 1984 Power Cell is the preferable choice. For a standard 15-LED Power Cell without the specific film-accurate spacing, the GPStar Power Cell would suffice.
Top: GPStar Power Cell
Bottom: GPStar 1984 Power Cell